At around 214 kilometres in length and offering direct access to a number of beaches, the Coastal Ecovia runs from one end of the Algarve to other, through a green corridor connecting Cape St Vincent to Vila Real de Santo António. Spend some time on this trail and discover places of great beauty and tranquillity in the busiest part of the Algarve.

This Ecovia is part of the European network EuroVelo, a network of cycle routes across the entire European continent, whose Route 1 – the Atlantic Coast Route – stretches all the way from Sagres in the far south-west of Europe all the way to North Cape in Scandinavia. Comprising five stretches along already-existing cycle routes, country trails and, in some cases, tracks running parallel to the EN125 National Road, the Ecovia provides an opportunity to discover magnificent scenery along the coast.

  • Source: Portugal Algarve Tourism